A soft blur in black and white, (her face.)
A firm pout.
The hair, held high.
A staircase [rotates].
Extravagant picture frames, climb the walls.
A necklace [bites skin].
Delicate china, tingles,
behind glass boxes.
Her hand, majestic,
rests over the banister.
Small feet, live (trapped)
inside uncomfortable satin slippers, [with pom-poms].
Fiery eyes
under heavy eyelashes
burn, intense ;
a rainbow of fury, in black and white.
In black and white,
that’s how I prefer
life’s melodramas.
In long gowns,
in large houses ;
an impossibly outlandish set.
There is something terribly true
about all of this nonsense,
this perfectly coiffed hyperbole.
I will always fall for it. Her.
For the perfect monochrome idea, of her.
Take over and reign. Irresistible,