Black Feast
Again that oily feeling of peace looking at foreign water, an artificial lake perfect black nibbled by long legged insects …
Again that oily feeling of peace looking at foreign water, an artificial lake perfect black nibbled by long legged insects …
Rosa | Llibre book framed in marbles in golden wood shiny stucco hardbacks, softbacks floating slowly seeking red tongues flighting …
Azul | Sepia …con brillos de chicle rosa fluorescente La Havana te embriaga con su exuberancia de buenas a primeras. …
How do you write a black hole ? How do you draw it, in words? ~ I cannot write about it …
No words. Never out loud. But the plate is smashed against the kitchen tiles. There was also a teapot, some …
Terror. Adolescent. Terror. Torna. Peus junts mirant a dos bandes abans de creuar el carrer. Carrer. Riera. Vorera. Riu. Corrent. …
Cocktails with flowers I’d say that’s the way to go I look around Christmas lights Beer Shopping bags Forks and …
Happiness or wellbeing? What’s good for you is not necessarily what makes you happy. I’d take difficult unhealthy exhausting happiness …