Why this…

Me volví loco, con largos periodos de espantosa cordura

Edgar Allan Poe

This blog is an experiment.

A half-baked idea. An outpour of moments, captured through word, image and anything I need in between.

I am exploring the possibilities of linguistic synaesthesia : what happens, when you blend language[s]? You may start a thought this way, acabarlo de otra manera, decidir que aixó no està gens clar… mais, pour quoi pas?, end up placing it all on the same plate, because this is the way sensations and moments get conceptualised in your head.

The blog started as a vehicle to document experiences that did not suit the quick, random, superficial mood of facebook-friends sharing. It has grown into a seat for my attempts at poetry (poe | trying) and at sensation grabbing, in general.

It is self-indulgent.  It is uneven.  It is being great fun and my pleasure to put it all ‘out there’ and, simply, go with the flow.

Enjoy. Get lost. And make sure you spend some time reading what you don’t [think you] understand. Si te atreves, te llevará a lugares insospechados.

Para conseguir lo imposible, hay que intentar lo absurdo

Miguel de Cervantes